Power in Community


“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.” ~Coretta Scott King

A community is the thread that binds people together to support each other through life’s challenges, and obstacles. As human beings, we feel a need to belong, and to form society. That need ties us to the many important relationships we develop.

Our favourite definition of community is “a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.” 

At Iron Lion Training we value our community, and support our member’s journey to first build healthy relationships with themselves, via exercise, food, stress management and good sleep routines. Our studio is a welcoming, safe, inclusive, and body positive place where we share tools and resources. We use our safe space to help build you up, as well as to build each other up as a Team.

By standing together, a strong community empowers its members. And this strength of unity contributes to the greater world. People of all ages who feel a sense of belonging tend to lead happier and healthier lives, and strong communities create a more stable and supportive society.

On March 16th, 2020, the ILT studio, like most other small businesses, closed its doors to do our part to ‘flatten the curve’ against the newest disease threat, COVID-19.

The impact of our closure has been significant, but with the support of our community, we’ve been able to tread water through the initial tidal wave of changes. Like everyone, we felt the ripple of after-effects daily within that first six weeks of the official announcement of the State of Emergency.

While the Canadian government scrambles to provide aid and support for the homeless, and long term care facilities, all while addressing the myriad of other issues associated with COVID-19, we’ve learned that the funds for small businesses will take some time to ‘trickle down’. For example, the C.E.R.B. Business Loan has just recently come available, and not every small business will qualify.

The particular challenge for the small business owner around the above timeline is that rent, bills, and expenses still need to be paid, which leaves it up to small businesses like ILT to survive long enough to receive aid, or make it through the pandemic.

It’s difficult not to be panicked by the lack of control, and feeling of uncertainty we all feel right now. All any of us can do is control what we can.

Having noted how scary things are, we acknowledge our extreme privilege in this situation. For example, during the recent long weekend, we celebrated an important birthday with friends via Zoom (pretty amazing, right there), and a consensus we all came to was:

This is not the worst time of our lives.

That may not be the case for you, the reader. But for us, while the situation is uncomfortable, ever changing, and uncertain, we all feel grateful for:

-Being sequestered with people we like!

-Living very close to our studio, and having a dog to walk, which allows us access to our business, while still following social distancing guidelines!

-Having a fully stocked refrigerator, and a working washer & dryer!

-Having ‘enough’ to get by!

While the world is reeling from all the changes, both Ron and I are used to staying in, saving money, and rolling with the punches. We continue to control what we can control.

That’s why we are able to continue to offer our members high quality nutrition coaching, as well as customized exercise programming, and fitness classes via Zoom.

Our community is in some cases struggling to work from home, while also full time homeschooling teachers. Our community is at times struggling with layoffs or work slowdowns, and may have to cut back. We’re listening. And we’re assessing how to best help our community beyond the location of our studio. For now that’s the cyber world of online training!

Active listening allows us to pay attention to the thoughts, and behaviours of our community. We want to meet our clients where they are, and help them take the next step on their journey.

After weeks of reacting, listening, and testing, we are ready to implement our new online offering. Community means a lot to us, and we’d like to help more people.

We are opening up our online coaching services to 10 new clients who are looking for nutrition and exercise guidance, as well as support and accountability from experienced, certified coaches, and our extended community.

We are excited and prepared to meet you where you are, and we are skilled in coaching remotely, anywhere in the world, with programs that adapt to your lifestyle, ability, equipment access, and space!

Ron and I are Precision Nutrition Level 1 & 2 certified and have over 20 years of coaching experience. You can feel confident getting support not just from us, but from the extensive network of health care providers and practitioners we’ve built relationships with over the years.

With ILT Online Coaching, you get the support and encouragement you need from knowledgeable, experienced coaches, while gaining access to an outstanding, rock-solid, supportive community.

We are here to help not only with fitness during the pandemic, but also to offer the support of our community to keep healthy in mind, body, and spirit while staying safe at home.

Our exercise and nutrition services can benefit your well being, and that’s the main thing. But your involvement keeps small business alive, and helps us to re-open our doors when this is over. We’d love to train you in person! But until we can do that, we have a great alternative in place! For more information, you can sign up here.

Much like mythical Asgard, Iron Lion Training is more than a physical space; What makes us awesome is the incredible people we get to work with, and the incredible community they form. Thank you for being part of that!


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