January 2020 Lion(s) of the Month: Akosua & Dale!


Each month we celebrate members of the Iron Lion Pride for their contributions to our awesome community and for their accomplishments inside and outside the gym.  For January 2020 we are naming our first co-Lions of the Month: Akosua Matthews and Dale Wiebe! Akosua and Dale have been pillars of the Iron Lion community since […]

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Ten Ideas to Improve Your Bench


The bench press — loved by many, loathed by many! Used right, it’s a great tool for building strength and muscle. Done wrong, and it can hurt you in a hurry! Here’s ten ideas to set you up for your best pain-free bench!

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Mr Nice Guy: Why Nice Isn’t Kind


 Mr. Nice Guy, that’s me. And it’s a shame, too. Because nice and kind are two different things. And sometimes to be kind, you can’t default to being too nice. Here’s what I mean by that. The difference between nice and kind is that sometimes you want to be nice. You want to go along […]

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Ten Things I Learned From Powerlifting Competition


During my journey to get lean I wanted to emulate John Grimek — a famous bodybuilder AND weightlifter in the 1930s and 40s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Grimek He would take part in weightlifting events that were also physique events. He looked great and lifted a ton. I thought that entering into a powerlifting competition once I was lean […]

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Empathy and Otherness


Both sides of my family are Dutch immigrants who came over to Canada after World War II. Like many immigrants they had to learn a new language and deal with prejudice. Canada’s attitudes towards immigration were different at that time. My Mom sometimes talks about being referred to as a “dirty DP” when she was […]

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Ten Things I Learned From Getting Lean


I’ve written before about my experiences with bullying. When I started lifting weights it was with the express goal of making myself a physical deterrent to bullying. So I wanted to be big and strong. And that’s the direction I took for many years — eating and training with the goal of size and strength. […]

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Increasing Empathy Takes Time


I was a bit of a chubby kid. I might be winking in this picture but it’s a bit hard to tell. And kids are total dicks cruel. So I found out about the whole being chubby thing at about age 6. Prior to that I just ran around the farm feeling like a normal […]

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2017: Don’t Talk About It, Be About It


If you are reading this, it means you made it. You made it through 2016, when the world lost it’s damn mind (again), and our childhood heros, folks we looked up to, or who inspired us to be better, peaced out. So here you are, you wondrous creature. Somehow, when the world beat you down […]

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Lessons from My Left Foot: Achilles Rupture Post-Op Update


On March 19th I learned I’m  not invincible….well I knew I wasn’t “invincible”, however I felt major injuries were things that happened to “other people”. Ridiculous I know, but I felt that dip in The River Styx meant I was immune…guess I should have read the fine print…     On March 19th, 2014, while […]

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Transformation & Testimonial – Lesli, Toronto


Meet Lesli, business owner, and Master Mind behind the Iron Lion Training Splash Page. You can check out her amazing work here: Here is what Lesli had to say about our Boxing 101 – Intro to the Sweet Science class, and how it helped get her stronger AND improve her run time. “My whole life […]

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