January 2020 Lion(s) of the Month: Akosua & Dale!


Each month we celebrate members of the Iron Lion Pride for their contributions to our awesome community and for their accomplishments inside and outside the gym.  For January 2020 we are naming our first co-Lions of the Month: Akosua Matthews and Dale Wiebe! Akosua and Dale have been pillars of the Iron Lion community since […]

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Ten Ideas to Improve Your Bench


The bench press — loved by many, loathed by many! Used right, it’s a great tool for building strength and muscle. Done wrong, and it can hurt you in a hurry! Here’s ten ideas to set you up for your best pain-free bench!

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Ten Things I Learned From Powerlifting Competition


During my journey to get lean I wanted to emulate John Grimek — a famous bodybuilder AND weightlifter in the 1930s and 40s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Grimek He would take part in weightlifting events that were also physique events. He looked great and lifted a ton. I thought that entering into a powerlifting competition once I was lean […]

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Ten Things I Learned From Getting Lean


I’ve written before about my experiences with bullying. When I started lifting weights it was with the express goal of making myself a physical deterrent to bullying. So I wanted to be big and strong. And that’s the direction I took for many years — eating and training with the goal of size and strength. […]

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Boxing 101 – Intro to The Sweet Science


    “Boxing is egalitarian. In the ring, rank, age, colour and wealth are irrelevant. My main interest was in training; I found the rigorous exercise to be an excellent outlet for tension and stress. After a strenuous workout, I felt both mentally and physically lighter. It was a way of losing myself in something […]

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Performing Movement – Boxing Notes


Every week I review my notes from my Coaches, and the interesting thing (for me) is how all their lessons flow together ->Coaches who guide me thru different elements of my game – Technique, S & C, and Psychology.I consider my Students Coaches as well. Teaching them, really helps solidify elements of my game that […]

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Olympic Weightlifting Is Awesome – Start Young and Train Often


Olympic Weightlifting Is Awesome – Start Young and Train Often I love Olympic weightlifting (the snatch and clean & jerk) with a love that is no different from my love for the Powerlifts (squat, bench press and deadlift). But you have to want to love the Olympic lifts in this culture, I think. Powerlifters have […]

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