Want Optimal Training? Don’t Just “Blow Off Steam”!


There’s no wrong reason to start exercising, or to learn a skill like boxing, but a person’s reason to exercise may fluctuate. The reasons, or motivations, evolve over time. Sure, people want to be healthy, feel good, and look great. Those are excellent reasons that remain relevant. But there’s another reason people exercise, and that’s from a deep […]

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Flexible Training vs. Periodization


 One thing I’ve misunderstood for years is periodization of training.  This is the practice of mapping out an athlete or client’s training program far in advance. A well known example of this is the quadrennial training athletes undergo for the Olympics.   My initial thought about long range periodization was that it was too complicated […]

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Reign of Jane


I’m Not An Athlete.   Or at least, that’s what I tell myself. At 27 years of age, I have never once been part of a sports team, I always dreaded track and field days at school, and if given the choice, I’d pick reading a book over going to the gym any day of […]

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Ten Ideas to Improve Your Bench


The bench press — loved by many, loathed by many! Used right, it’s a great tool for building strength and muscle. Done wrong, and it can hurt you in a hurry! Here’s ten ideas to set you up for your best pain-free bench!

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Compassionate Training


Well. This page is staring at me and I owe it words. And I’m scared in a weird way. I’m scared that I am not a good enough writer. There are writers who are giants of talent compared to me. I’m not scared because I can’t write. I can write a little bit. I’m scared […]

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