January 2020 Lion(s) of the Month: Akosua & Dale!


Each month we celebrate members of the Iron Lion Pride for their contributions to our awesome community and for their accomplishments inside and outside the gym.  For January 2020 we are naming our first co-Lions of the Month: Akosua Matthews and Dale Wiebe! Akosua and Dale have been pillars of the Iron Lion community since […]

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Mr Nice Guy: Why Nice Isn’t Kind


 Mr. Nice Guy, that’s me. And it’s a shame, too. Because nice and kind are two different things. And sometimes to be kind, you can’t default to being too nice. Here’s what I mean by that. The difference between nice and kind is that sometimes you want to be nice. You want to go along […]

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Empathy and Otherness


Both sides of my family are Dutch immigrants who came over to Canada after World War II. Like many immigrants they had to learn a new language and deal with prejudice. Canada’s attitudes towards immigration were different at that time. My Mom sometimes talks about being referred to as a “dirty DP” when she was […]

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Increasing Empathy Takes Time


I was a bit of a chubby kid. I might be winking in this picture but it’s a bit hard to tell. And kids are total dicks cruel. So I found out about the whole being chubby thing at about age 6. Prior to that I just ran around the farm feeling like a normal […]

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I AM Iron Lioness: Keepin it real is what I do ;)


Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve had people ask me what I do for a living. Full of pride, I say, ” I’m a Personal Trainer, and Boxing Coach”  The next question however has caught me off guard, and you would think after hearing it a few times I’d be more prepared. “Yes, but […]

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The Standing Desk


Nine years of office work caught up to me. Or maybe it was the hamstring tear, the sacroiliac issue, the rectus femoris tightness, or the iliotibial restrictions. One thing was certain; they had all become, literally, a pain in the ass. I had developed chronic inflammation of the sitting bones. Sounds like a joke, but it does […]

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F.L.Y. – First, love yourself <3


On a recent trip, the air mask safety tip before lift off really stuck with me. If you are travelling with a Dependant, make sure to put your mask on first, before you assist them, or anyone else. Makes sense, before you can help anyone, you have to ensure you have what you need to […]

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Recipe: How to load up your Lasagna with Vegetables


Try this: Instead of using pasta sheets, try eggplant 🙂 After you slice the eggplant, you dip it in a beaten egg mix, then dip it in bread crumbs (I made my bread crumbs with whole grain bread, olive oil, and fresh herbs in the food processor. You let them bake (flipping 15-20min in at […]

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