2013 Eastern Canada Golden Gloves Champion, Steph Iron Lioness


“Success is intentional and deliberate”. ~Unknown

A year ago, I decided to follow my passion, my art, Boxing, full time. I knew I wanted to compete and perform at a high level, so I needed to make some changes. I needed to surround myself with people who believed in my dream, and would help see me through it. I knew, at 31 years old it wasn’t going to be easy – training full-time (3-5hours, 6 days a week), while getting a business going, I questioned my sanity daily.



Even though as a Fighter, you get in the ring by yourself, you are a product of a team, a community – it takes a village, well at least for me it did. You represent your team, and it is your duty to represent them as best you can.

When looking for a team, it was important that the Skills Coach I chose knew what it took, and was able to train ME – not give me a cookie cutter program they used for all. I looked for a team that had a diverse group of Champions, and my search lead me to Team Undisputed, and my Skills Coach, Archie Luz


Archie adding Nikki Pow Pow’s 2012 Ringside Belt to the collection



My Team, Undisputed Boxing – The Warriors that make me stronger




My Coaches – Very blessed to have a Skills Coach, S&C Coach, and Life/Brain Coach.


So, preparing for a bout is not just about the physical – Yes we put our bodies through a lot, but in order to be able to do so, you have to work your mental game – Here is some of the reading I did to prepare.


“When I remember who I am, nothing is a problem – This is one of the Warrior’s rites”, from the book On The Warrior Path.

And here is the performance. I was finally able to watch this today, nearly a week later, and see what I did right instead of all that I did wrong. Lots to work on, but this is what it is about – Being a Scientist, seeing what works, what doesn’t, and adjusting every training camp.

http://www.ustream.tv/channel/oba-amateur-boxing?utm_source=event-reminder&utm_medium=visit-channel&utm_campaign=notifications   (My fight starts at 59:50 – keep watching after advertisement)

This was an amazing experience. I made 146.6lbs – this is a first for me, as well as scoring 2 standing 8s. My entire team brought home Golds, and my team mate, fight sister, and sparring partner Nikki Pow Pow was upgraded to Elite (an open class Fighter – 10 or more fights, who demonstrates exceptional skill) and will be representing our Team at Nationals in BC.


Nikki Pow Pow, and I after the win.

Next, one more bout, then Undisputed Boxing heads to Kansas City July 2013 for the Ringside INTERNATIONAL tournament. Harder competition, will be fighting at 140lbs, the prize, international title, and a belt – Stay tuned 😉

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