Adventures in Powerlifting: 2016 CPF Ontario Amateur Worlds Qualifier Experience


This past Saturday, I competed alongside a team of Women I’ve been training, at The CPF Ontario Worlds Qualifier, presented by Quantum Crossfit.

It was a really unique experience for me as a Coach, as this was the first time I coached 3 Athletes, while also competing myself. My colleague, Sathish also competed in Push/Pull, but did his own program, and training.


The Ladies, clients that train out of GoodLife Bathurst/Richmond were such a treat to work with.

13 weeks back, I had been blown away by Juggernaut’s Chad Wesley Smith, and the work he’s been doing with Kimberly Walford, and Marisa Inda (these ladies are lifting some seriously heavy weight).

I was on a break from Boxing, coming to the end of a Structural Repositioning program, prescribed by my husband, Ron Dykstra to help ease out some imbalances I caused trying to Box too quickly after my 2014 Achilles Rupture/Repair Surgery.

Lessons from My Left Foot: Achilles Rupture Post-Op Update

Blah, blah, blah, I digress, I was basically ready to change up my training, so I got a 12 week program ala Chad, from Juggernaut, recruited some peeps, and we began to chip away at it – together.


Did I mention I had never competed in Powerlifting before?

Yup, there was that too! I had always been interested in Powerlifting, but could never complete a full cycle due to Boxing training/competing. I had been to Weightlifting, and Powerlifting events with Ron, who is currently an Online Nutrition Coach, former Strength Coach, and competitor, but I had never gone through the process myself, let alone, Coach peeps to do it with me…


The program was tough, I had to tinker, tweak, and tailor it to each lifter – all 3 lifters were different in body type, ability, and learning style.

Each lifter trained with me focused on them for one session, trained one group session (with the team), and was given a day to complete on their own.  I was very fortunate to have Ron as a second set of Coaching eyes, when I reviewed training videos, and program changes.

Here’s the thing, just because these ladies decided to do ‘the thing’ it doesn’t mean life stopped. They trained through aches, soreness, ripped calluses, and life. They trusted me, their Coach to guide them on this stated path, to their stated goal, and they stuck to it, even when it was uncomfortable, and a little scary, they stayed the course.


I am super proud of these women for their hard work, commitment, and dedication.

They registered, trained, wore the singlet, the belt, the high sock, got up in front of a crowd, and KILLED IT!


All 3 broke Canadian records in the Deadlift.

Peony –  Pulled 115kg, for a 15lbs PR, setting, and breaking a Canadian CPF record, and also taking best Female deadlifter (pound for pound)

Caryl – Pulled 125kg,  for a 25lbs PR, setting, and breaking a CPF Canadian record.

Andrea – Pulled 125kg, breaking an existing CPF Canadian record.

I pulled 142.7kg, missed my 3rd, record attempt of 152.7kg.

Check out our video of our final attempts, and my miss below:

I was a little disappointed at the time with my miss, as I felt with slight changes to my warm up, I could have hit it, but that’s why we compete: to test our methods, and adjust.

I am very excited, as 336lbs went up fast, and I know what to work on next, to improve my lockout. So, I’m excited for next time!

The energy at Quantum CrossFit was incredible, everyone was in great spirits, even though it was a hot, and long day. The music was great, and I loved how supportive, and encouraging everyone was – Such a great community!

Great making new, like minded friends, and seeing old ones, and catching up ! (Shout out to team Bangarang, for your encouragement and support!)


With Holly Monster, Coach at Precision Nutrition, and Team Bangarang member, and hubby, Ron Dykstra <3

One of my Lifters commented, “I feel at home here, strutting around in a singlet, with women who are thick like me. I’m so used to feeling like I stick out for being tall, and having a butt, but here I feel awesome”

Hell to the fucking yeah, that’s what the fuck is up.

I totally get where she was coming from, cause I felt the same! Having replaced my lean  body from Boxing, to being ‘thick-a-vicious’ from weights, and not giving any fucks, it was nice to feel completely comfortable, and confident in our bodies, as they are, for all to see, and give no shits about it.  An incredible experience for the entire team.

Love this photo depicting the confidence giving no shits, and loving your body, breeds.

photo cred: Holly Monster


#cakebythepound #thickavicious #iaintsorry

Such a great experience! Thanks to Ron, for all your advice, guidance, and support.

Thanks to Bruce McIntyre, of the CPF,  and Alastair MacNicol of Quantum Crossfit for running such a professional, fun, welcoming event.

Thanks to my Lifters, Peony, Caryl, and Andrea – y’all are some bad muthafuckas 😉

Up next, Jul 30, 2016 – CPF Dead Legend Deadlift Only Competition, Android Bodies, 71 Wyndham Street S, Guelph Ontario. New goals, new program, stay tuned 🙂


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